Stairs methods

Constructor & basic methods

Stairs([value, use_dates]) An instance of a Stairs class is used to represent a step function.
Stairs.copy([deep]) Returns a deep copy of this Stairs instance
Stairs.plot([ax]) Makes a step plot representing the finite intervals belonging to the Stairs instance.
Stairs.sample(x[, how]) Evaluates the value of the step function at one, or more, points.
Stairs.layer([start, end, value]) Changes the value of the step function.
Stairs.step_changes() Returns a dictionary of key, value pairs of indicating where step changes occur in the step function, and the change in value
Stairs.to_dataframe() Returns a pandas.DataFrame with columns ‘start’, ‘end’ and ‘value’

Arithmetic operators

Stairs.negate() An operator which produces a new Stairs instance representing the multiplication of the step function by -1.
Stairs.add(other) An operator facilitating the addition of two step functions.
Stairs.subtract(other) An operator facilitating the subtraction of one step function from another.
Stairs.multiply(other) An operator facilitating the multiplication of one step function with another.
Stairs.divide(other) An operator facilitating the division of one step function by another.

Relational operators Returns a boolean-valued step function indicating where self is strictly less than other. Returns a boolean-valued step function indicating where self is strictly greater than other.
Stairs.le(other) Returns a boolean-valued step function indicating where self is less than, or equal to, other. Returns a boolean-valued step function indicating where self is greater than, or equal to, other.
Stairs.eq(other) Returns a boolean-valued step function indicating where self is equal to other. Returns a boolean-valued step function indicating where self is not equal to other.
Stairs.identical(other) Returns True if self and other represent the same step functions

Logical operators

Stairs.make_boolean() Returns a boolean-valued step function indicating where self is non-zero.
Stairs.invert() Returns a boolean-valued step function indicating where self is zero-valued.
Stairs.logical_and(other) Returns a boolean-valued step function indicating where self and other are non-zero.
Stairs.logical_or(other) Returns a boolean-valued step function indicating where self or other are non-zero.

Summary statistics

Stairs.number_of_steps() Calculates the number of step changes
Stairs.get_integral_and_mean([lower, upper]) Calculates the integral, and the mean of the step function.
Stairs.integrate([lower, upper]) Calculates the integral of the step function.
Stairs.min([lower, upper]) Calculates the minimum value of the step function.
Stairs.max([lower, upper]) Calculates the maximum value of the step function.
Stairs.mean([lower, upper]) Calculates the mean of the step function.
Stairs.median([lower, upper]) Calculates the median of the step function.
Stairs.percentile(x[, lower, upper]) Calculates the x-th percentile of the step function’s values
Stairs.percentile_Stairs([lower, upper]) Calculates a percentile function (and returns a corresponding Stairs instance)

Miscellaneous functions

Stairs.shift(delta) Returns a stairs instance corresponding to a horizontal translation by delta.
Stairs.diff(delta) Returns a stairs instance corresponding to the difference between the step function corresponding to self and the same step-function translated by delta.
Stairs.resample(x[, how]) Evaluates the value of the step function at one, or more, points and creates a new Stairs instance whose step changes occur at a subset of these points.
Stairs.clip([lower, upper]) Returns a copy of self which is zero-valued everywhere outside of [lower, upper)