
Stairs.__init__(frame=None, start=None, end=None, value=None, initial_value=0, closed='left')

Objects of class Stairs are used to represent a step function.

See the Stairs API for details of attributes and methods.

The constructor provides the ability to combine a call to Stairs.layer() which is useful for creating Stairs objects via the split-apply-combine pattern facilitated by pandas.DataFrame.groubpy()

framepandas.DataFrame, optional

A long-form collection of vectors that can be assigned to named variables

startfloat, array-like of floats, str, default None

Start point(s) of the interval(s). A value of None is interpreted as negative infinity.

endfloat, array-like of floats, [description], by default Nonestr, default None

End points(s) of the interval(s). A value of None is interpreted as positive infinity.

valuefloat, array-like of floats, str, default None

Value(s) of the interval(s). A value of None is equivalent to a value of 1.

initial_valuefloat, default 0

The value of the step function at negative infinity.

closed{“left”, “right”}

Indicates whether the half-open intervals comprising the step function should be interpreted as left-closed or right-closed.


See also



>>> sc.Stairs(start=1, end=2)
<staircase.Stairs, id=2375047689840>
>>> sc.Stairs(start=1, end=2).to_frame()
0  -inf    1      0
1     1    2      1
2     2  inf      0
>>> sc.Stairs(start=1, end=2).plot()
>>> sc.Stairs(start=[0,1], end=[2,3]).to_frame()
0  -inf    0      0
1     0    1      1
2     1    2      2
3     2    3      1
4     3  inf      0
>>> sc.Stairs(start=[0,1], end=[2,3]).plot()
>>> data = pd.DataFrame(
...     {
...         "start":[0,1],
...         "end":[2,3],
...         "value":[3,4],
...     }
... )
>>> sc.Stairs(frame=data, start="start", end="end", value="value").to_frame()
0  -inf    0      0
1     0    1      3
2     1    2      7
3     2    3      4
4     3  inf      0
>>> sc.Stairs(frame=data, start="start", end="end", value="value").plot()